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7 Articles


17.12.1938 – 09.03.2022

Marlene Heinz was one of the greats of pediatric and adolescent gynecology – dedicated, courageous, eager for discussion and always with a mischievous smile on her lips.

Born in 1938, she studied medicine at the Humboldt University in Berlin and was licensed to practice in 1962. From 1968 to 1973 she worked as an assistant physician at the Oskar-Ziethen Hospital in Berlin-Lichtenberg, and from 1973 to 2001 she was a senior physician there, where she established consultations for pediatric and adolescent gynecology. From 2007, she directed the interdisciplinary center for pediatric and adolescent gynecology at the Charité.

In 1972, she was a founding member and member of the board of the GDR Working Group for Child and Adolescent Gynecology. After the unification of the East and West German Working Groups for Child and Adolescent Gynecology, Dr. Heinz remained on the board from 1994 and led the Working Group from 1998 to 2013. In this capacity, she organized numerous Berlin symposia and gathered renowned colleagues from Germany and abroad to exchange ideas there. She was a passionate as well as humorous debater and knew both how to defend her point of view with commitment and how to reach workable, good compromises. 

Through her intensive courses in pediatric and adolescent gynecology, she gave countless colleagues from Germany and other German-speaking countries the opportunity to learn this small, interdisciplinary subject and to make contact and exchange ideas with colleagues from a wide variety of specialties. 

She was author and editor of numerous textbooks in pediatric and adolescent gynecology.

From 1998 to 2004 and from 2007-2010 she was a member of the Board of FIGIJ (Federation Internationale de Gynecologie Infantile et Juvenile) and in 2008 she was a founding member of the European Working Group of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology in Prague. With her husband Dieter, she was instrumental in creating the statutes of this organization and was a member of the Board of Directors from its inception in 2008 until 2011.

After 2013, Dr. Heinz handed over the sceptre of the German Working Group to Professor Oppelt, but continued to be available as a speaker at the intensive courses and symposia.

She was an outstanding, characterful and fun-loving woman, her death leaves a big gap and she will be greatly missed as a colleague, friend and advisor!

EURAPAG Statement March 2022

Dear Colleagues,

There is no justification for the invasion of Ukraine. While this country is in a defence war for freedom, millions of children and adolescents will be affected with the needless destruction of a country, including many healthcare facilities.

We know that in times of conflict, children and adolescents are always disproportionally affected. This threatens their safety, physical and mental wellbeing, and must be considered a human rights violation and a war crime. 

We are deeply concerned about adequate PAG care as access to hospitals will be impacted.

Our thoughts are with all our members in the region as well as those with friends and family in Ukraine. We express our support for the PAG Association of Ukraine, especially for our good friend Prof. Iryna Tuchkina, Vice-President of PAG Association of Ukraine.

The Executive Board of EURAPAG

Postponed: Trainees’ Congress 2022

Dear colleagues,

With great regret we need to inform you that, given the current difficult and uncertain situation, the EURAPAG Executive Board has decided not to hold the upcoming 3rd Pan-European Trainees’ Congress in Moscow now.

We kindly ask you to remove the announcement from your website and inform your members accordingly. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
In the next EURAPAG meeting we will discuss the further procedure regarding the European Trainee Congress in detail and inform you promptly about our next steps.

For the time being, I remain with kind regards, in case any questions please, do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincercly,
Ivonne Bedei
Secretaly General of EURAPAG

Invitation: European Trainee’s congress Moscow

Dear friends of PAG,

The EURAPAG board is delighted to inform you, that the 3rd Pan-European trainee congress will take place the 20.-21.04.2022 in Moscow/Russia.

The congress will be held as a virtual event.

Together with our Russian colleagues we have prepared an up-to-date and exciting program on topics such as “COVID-19 and HPV vaccine in teens”, emergency and surgery in PAG, endocrinology in PAG and much more.

In workshops and the “stump the professor” session the participants will have the opportunity to discuss and interact with each other and the lecturer.

Competition for Young Scientists

As every time, we would like to invite our young colleagues to submit their scientific work and/or case studies to our “competition for young scientists” that will be held during the event.

The winner’s prize is free participation in the 16th European Congress of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 2024 in Thessaloniki. 

Submitted abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be organized into “objective – method – results – conclusion”.

Submissions can be sent to our trainee representatives Tascha Gehrke and Maria Petra Agius ( 

Deadline for abstract submission is the 20th of March.

We would be very pleased if you would forward the information to your trainees and place the congress on your website.

For more information on the program and registration, please visit our website

Best regards,

Ivonne Bedei

Secretary General EURAPAG

Invitation | EURAPAG Assembly of Delegates 2021

Dear delegates,

thank you very much for supporting and attending our assembly of delegates.

We are forced by the actual circumstances to hold our next European Congress in Rotterdam including the Assembly of Delegates completely virtual.

In order to facilitate the voting process and include the results already in the Assembly of Delegates which will take place the 10th of June 17:30-19:00 CEST, we also are going to do the secret voting upfront and online.

Delegates appointed by your national society, Members of the executive committee and directors of EURAPAG departments will be provided with a link for online voting the 21st of May.
Voting will be possible until the 31st of May. Voting closes on midday GMT (14:00 CEST).

You will only receive the link once and it cannot be re-issued in case you made a mistake or you changed your mind.
You can have a maximum of 8 votes for the candidates of the board. It is not allowed to give more than one vote for the same candidate. We kindly ask you, to use all your 8 votes.
The results of this secret voting will be presented in the meeting of the Assembly of Delegates taking place the 10th of June 2021 from 17:30-19:00 pm CEST by the members of our voting committee.

Please note, that you must be registered to the congress by the time of voting (21st of May) and your society must have paid their annual membership fees.
Delegates who have not registered or whose societies have not paid will not be able to vote.

We have 14 candidates for the board, and you can find further information on the candidates, the motions to vote on in the upfront voting, the Agenda of the EURAPAG Assembly of Delegates and additional information on our website using the following link:


User name and password will be send by e-mail by the secretary general to the appointed delegates. In the case you haven’t received an e-mail with your log-in data, please send an e-mail to

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact me.

With best regards,
Ivonne Bedei
Secretary General EURAPAG

EURAPAG Assembly of Delegates 2021

Dear Colleagues,

First of all II want to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year 2021!

Due to the Covid pandemic we have been forced to postpone our European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology to 2021.

As you all know, it will take place in Rotterdam from June 09.-12. 2021.

As for the current situation we must most probably switch to a complete virtual congress.

During the congress an Assembly of Delegates will be held on the 10th of June, 2021. In this general assembly a new Executive Committee (EURAPAG board) will be elected. 

As to the recent changes, this election will also be done online and upfront to the congress. Technical details about the voting will be provided. Still, each society should provide the names of the delegates and each delegate should vote individually, as also done in a normal presence voting.

As this is not foreseen in our statutes and due to an unpredictable situation, like the corona pandemic, that forces the board to adapt to this situation in order to go on working successfully.

We kindly ask you to consent for this decision.

If you oppose, please write to the secretary general not later than the 28th of February.

Nomination of Delegates & Voting Rights

Please send me the actual number of your society members and the names of your voting delegates. 

National Societies with up to  50 members – 2 delegates

National Societies with up to  100 members – 3 delegates

National Societies with up to  500 members – 4 delegates

National Societies with more than 500  members – 5 delegates

A national group with a minimum of 5 members in a country without National Society has one voting delegate

Please note, that only societies and groups that have paid their membership fees until the 01.05.2021 to EURAPAG can be considered. Only delegates that are registered for the congress can have voting rights.

Deadline for the nomination of delegates is the 09.04.2021

Delegates, that are nominated later cannot be considered.

Candidates for the Executive Committee

If you want to nominate a candidate for the board, please, sent me the name and a short CV/introduction of not more than 200 words of your candidate. As Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology is an interdisciplinary field, we highly appreciate applications not only from Gynaecologists, but also from Paediatricians.

Deadline for the nomination of candidates for the board is the 09.04.2021.

Please, be aware that only candidates of societies that have paid their fees and applications that are sent on time can be considered.

Amendments to the Statutes

The board wants request two amendments to the statutes:

  1. We suggest to create the position of immediate past president (meaning, the actual president who then leaves the board). This position has an advisory function, but has no voting rights.
  2. We would like to install a fix position for a paediatrician in our board in order to be interdisciplinarity. This position would be extra to the already existing number of board members. Still, one country can only send one candidate for the board.

Other requests for changes or amendments to the statutes can be discussed and have to be submitted at least two month in advance to the general assembly to the secretary general.

Candidates for Trainee Representatives

Last, not least, if you have a resident, interested in the position of trainee representative in our Trainee Department, she or he should send an application to Sarah Mourik, our actual trainee representative, or to myself not later than the 09.04.2021.

With the best wishes for 2021!

Ivonne Bedei
Secretary General EURAPAG