Dear delegates,

thank you very much for supporting and attending our assembly of delegates.

We are forced by the actual circumstances to hold our next European Congress in Rotterdam including the Assembly of Delegates completely virtual.

In order to facilitate the voting process and include the results already in the Assembly of Delegates which will take place the 10th of June 17:30-19:00 CEST, we also are going to do the secret voting upfront and online.

Delegates appointed by your national society, Members of the executive committee and directors of EURAPAG departments will be provided with a link for online voting the 21st of May.
Voting will be possible until the 31st of May. Voting closes on midday GMT (14:00 CEST).

You will only receive the link once and it cannot be re-issued in case you made a mistake or you changed your mind.
You can have a maximum of 8 votes for the candidates of the board. It is not allowed to give more than one vote for the same candidate. We kindly ask you, to use all your 8 votes.
The results of this secret voting will be presented in the meeting of the Assembly of Delegates taking place the 10th of June 2021 from 17:30-19:00 pm CEST by the members of our voting committee.

Please note, that you must be registered to the congress by the time of voting (21st of May) and your society must have paid their annual membership fees.
Delegates who have not registered or whose societies have not paid will not be able to vote.

We have 14 candidates for the board, and you can find further information on the candidates, the motions to vote on in the upfront voting, the Agenda of the EURAPAG Assembly of Delegates and additional information on our website using the following link:


User name and password will be send by e-mail by the secretary general to the appointed delegates. In the case you haven’t received an e-mail with your log-in data, please send an e-mail to

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact me.

With best regards,
Ivonne Bedei
Secretary General EURAPAG