Dear Colleagues,
First of all II want to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year 2021!
Due to the Covid pandemic we have been forced to postpone our European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology to 2021.
As you all know, it will take place in Rotterdam from June 09.-12. 2021.
As for the current situation we must most probably switch to a complete virtual congress.
During the congress an Assembly of Delegates will be held on the 10th of June, 2021. In this general assembly a new Executive Committee (EURAPAG board) will be elected.
As to the recent changes, this election will also be done online and upfront to the congress. Technical details about the voting will be provided. Still, each society should provide the names of the delegates and each delegate should vote individually, as also done in a normal presence voting.
As this is not foreseen in our statutes and due to an unpredictable situation, like the corona pandemic, that forces the board to adapt to this situation in order to go on working successfully.
We kindly ask you to consent for this decision.
If you oppose, please write to the secretary general not later than the 28th of February.
Nomination of Delegates & Voting Rights
Please send me the actual number of your society members and the names of your voting delegates.
National Societies with up to 50 members – 2 delegates
National Societies with up to 100 members – 3 delegates
National Societies with up to 500 members – 4 delegates
National Societies with more than 500 members – 5 delegates
A national group with a minimum of 5 members in a country without National Society has one voting delegate
Please note, that only societies and groups that have paid their membership fees until the 01.05.2021 to EURAPAG can be considered. Only delegates that are registered for the congress can have voting rights.
Deadline for the nomination of delegates is the 09.04.2021.
Delegates, that are nominated later cannot be considered.
Candidates for the Executive Committee
If you want to nominate a candidate for the board, please, sent me the name and a short CV/introduction of not more than 200 words of your candidate. As Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology is an interdisciplinary field, we highly appreciate applications not only from Gynaecologists, but also from Paediatricians.
Deadline for the nomination of candidates for the board is the 09.04.2021.
Please, be aware that only candidates of societies that have paid their fees and applications that are sent on time can be considered.
Amendments to the Statutes
The board wants request two amendments to the statutes:
- We suggest to create the position of immediate past president (meaning, the actual president who then leaves the board). This position has an advisory function, but has no voting rights.
- We would like to install a fix position for a paediatrician in our board in order to be interdisciplinarity. This position would be extra to the already existing number of board members. Still, one country can only send one candidate for the board.
Other requests for changes or amendments to the statutes can be discussed and have to be submitted at least two month in advance to the general assembly to the secretary general.
Candidates for Trainee Representatives
Last, not least, if you have a resident, interested in the position of trainee representative in our Trainee Department, she or he should send an application to Sarah Mourik, our actual trainee representative, or to myself not later than the 09.04.2021.
With the best wishes for 2021!
Ivonne Bedei
Secretary General EURAPAG