Dear EURAPAG members,

The EURAPAG board would like to send you our kindest regards and hope that you all are dealing well with the changes and limitations that are happening due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

As you all know, we had to postpone the European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology in Rotterdam to 2021. It will take place from the 09.-12.06.2021 and we hope you all will join!

We have not been inactive this year and have been working hard to promote and support a standardized PAG education in Europe.
It is our please to invite all National Society leads and individual members to our first EURAPAG Zoom meeting which is planned for the
18.10.2020 at 6 pm (CET). We are proud to present the new Pan-European post specialty curriculum in PAG and the corresponding PAG logbook.

In addition to that it is our pleasure to give you more information of the European PAG congress in Rotterdam 2021.

We hope you all will join!

We will keep you updated with further information.
With the best regards,
The EURAPAG board