

Dear Friends and colleagues,
Your new Board took over the reins in Thessaloniki in June 2024 and it is a privilege and an honour to be able to welcome you to the next phase of EURAPAG. Our job is to guide, nurture and develop the gynaecological health of children and adolescents at a continental level for the next three years and we look to you for your ongoing support.
The 16th EURAPAG Congress that has just ended presented a huge amount of work for our host Anastasia Vatopulou and her colleague from Athens Nikolaos Vlahos and provided an opportunity for more than 400 registrants from more than 40 countries to network and share learning. We will continue to benefit from Anastasias’s experience and dedication as she remains in the EURAPAG family as a committee member.
EURAPAG is a living breathing organisation. In this respect I am very happy to say that I am supported by an eclectic mix of both new and experienced Board members. We share a common goal and bundles of energy which will be tapped and put to good use in order to improve the gynaecological health of girls and young women in Europe and beyond since we are also represented in FIGIJ.
EURAPAG has already established its position in education, with the Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology Post-Speciality Training Curriculum recognised and approved by EBCOG with whom we are in partmership.There is however much more to be done in respect of education and training, under the experienced and wise leadership of Gabriele Tridenti, director of EURAPAG Academy.
All of this while ably supported by my Vice President Zuzana Niznanska, Treasurer Ozlem Dural, Secretary General Dvora Bauman and Board members Jana Alesova, PS Arunakumari, Agnieszka Drosdzol-Cop, Anna Maria Fulghesu, Daniele Ivanova Panova and Zoard Krasznai, all of whom have huge enthusiasm and energy. There are two trainee representatives in the Board: Ilaria Vacca and Maria Vargova who promotePAG experience to both Obstetric and Gynaecology and also Pediatric trainees.
I am also pleased to announce that six new committes have been established:
- Advocacy,
- Academic,
- Finance and Budget,
- Public Relations,
- Scientific and EUROPEAN PAG Trainees Committee
All have been met with great enthusiasm of PAG friends from many European countries.
Please feel free to contact any of us for help, advice or if you have suggestions, proposals and/or wish to help our cause. Our details are on the website. We look forward to your active participation and we shall keep you informed of our work.
Following the move of the seat to the Netherlands by the previous Board we are looking to consolifdate our administration with the help of our Dutch PAG colleagues in the Netherlands to whom we are very grateful.
Finally a big thank you to the retiring Board members with a special mention to Zana Bumbuliene who steered the ship as President for last three years, and to Paul Wood, the Past President, who gave advice and active help in difficult situations and for which we are also extremely grateful.
Zoran Stankovic
President of EURAPAG
July 2024